DiPA - Diversity in Public Appointments Diversity in Public Appointments   Contact DiPA:
T: 08444 631 347
M: 07956 599522
E: info@dipa.org.uk
Public Appointments - right for you?
About DiPA
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Contact DiPA

DiPA - Diversity in Public Appointments
Unit 1A
West Stockwith Park
Stockwith Road
Nottinghamshire DN10 4ES

Tel: +44 (0)8444 631 347
Fax: +44 (0)8444 631 346

Shaama Saggar-Malik - Mobile: 07956 599522
Sue Harford (PA) - Tel: 08444 631 347
Email: info@dipa.org.uk

Please feel free to contact us for a no-obligation chat.

Name (required)

Occupation / job title (required)

Current Employer/Company Name (if applicable)

Address for correspondence

Email (required)

Preferred Tel No. for contact

Alternative Contact Number

Public Appointments History
Do you currently hold a public appointment?
 Yes No
If yes, please give brief details

Have you applied for a public appointment in the last 18 months but been unsuccessful?
 Yes No
If yes, please give brief details

How soon are you ready to start looking for a public appointment? Please specify:
 Immediately within next 6 months within next 12 months Uncertain

Are there any specific public appointments or subject areas that interest you?
 Yes No Don't Know
If yes, please give brief details

How far are you prepared to travel to undertake a public appointment?
 Local only regional national (England or Wales)

What information or support do you think you need, to help you find a suitable public appointment, or help you decide if it's the right move for you?
Please give brief details:

Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form
The following information is strictly for monitoring purposes. All questions are voluntary.

Gender:  Male Female

Age:  18-25 25-35 35-45 45-55 Over 55

Do you consider yourself disabled?  Yes No

Ethnic Origin:  White African-Caribbean Asian Other (please specify)
If Other:

Data Protection Statement
Your personal information will be held and used in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. DiPA will not disclose such information to any unauthorised person or body but where appropriate will use such information in carrying out its various functions and services.

Working in Partnership
We are very interested in working in partnership with employers to promote the value of public appointments. If your organisation might be interested please contact us for further details.

Useful sites
Take a look at these useful web sites to find out more about Public Appointments and see what vacancies are available in your areas of interest.

  Woman on the phone
Indian man
Young black woman
Young people
chinese woman
Man in wheelchair
start quoteDiPA provides advice and support for prospective appointees and offers consultancy for businesses implementing work/life balance initiatives or implementing 'investors in people' HR policies.end quote

©DiPA 2012